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Some JAVA tips to learn

1.(Modifiers)Only public, static and final - Variable in Interface
2.(Modifiers)Only public and abstract - Methods in interface
3.(File name)Files with no public classes can have a name that does not match any of the classes in the file.
4.(Keyword)strictfp is a keyword and can be used to modify a class or a method, but never a variable.
5.(Abstract)Only abstract class can have abstract methods(interface is a pure abstract class).
6.(Abstract)Abstract class can have a non abstract method.
7.(toString())When you try to print an object it calls toString() method.
8.(Static)A static method in a class can’t access the non static veriables of the same class without creating an object of the class.
9.(Static)A static method in a class can’t access the non static variables of the same class without creating an object of the class.
10.(String)StringBuilder is more efficient than StringBuffer.
11.(String)The only difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder is that StringBuilder is unsynchronized whereas StringBuffer is synchronized.
12.(String)String types are immutable. If we try to change it, it’ll create new string object rather than changing the existing string object(You can check it by printing the hashCode of the objects).

Mail2.hn (talk) 13:35, 22 June 2009 (UTC)