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User:Francian Kaffer Clarke

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Heaven and the Heavens

Heaven is an infinite, too beautiful, glorious, infinite place that has an infinite amount of stars, solar systems, planets, Sun's, planets like earth, good planets like earth, asteroids, good asteroids, comets, celestial bodies, good celestial bodies, lights, moon's, good moon's, good solar systems that are above the earth's atmosphere. Heaven is also an expanse and is the abode of God Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (the son of God), angels, good spirits, saints, and possibly extraterrestrials life forms, super extraterrestrials life forms, good extraterrestrials life forms, and good super ext extraterrestial life forms.

In heaven there are heavenly kingdoms, good heavenly kingdoms, angelic heavenly kingdoms, good angelic heavenly kingdoms, angelic super heavenly kingdoms, heavenly superpowers, extraterrestrial kingdoms, extraterrestial heavenly kingdoms, heavenly superpower kingdoms, extraterrestrials super power heavenly kingdoms, angelic superpower heavenly kingdoms, extraterrestrials super power kingdoms, good extraterrestial superpower heavenly kingdoms and many good types of celestial kingdoms.