
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I’m into Lebanese history (in particular the legacy of the Phoenicians) and modern day Lebanese culture and business. I am interested in highlighting famous and less-famous Lebanese from Lebanon and within the Lebanese diaspora. I hold degrees in management and political science. I have three children and I am keen on having them learn about Lebanon (my country of origin).

I started editing articles on Wikipedia in 2005 (under a different user name). I decided to create this new user name reflecting important personal (I battled cancer with success for several years) and professional (I relocated from Los Angeles to New York City a few years ago) in my life.

I cherish collaborative thinking, mutual respect, and effective teamwork. I am a big believer in DEI and hold myself accountable for doing what I can to combat systemic racism and promote diversity, access, equity and inclusion within my personal and professional endeavors. I feel it is our common responsibility to create a sense of belonging for all races, genders, and backgrounds not only in the USA but throughout the world. I believe we live in troubled times. But I have always been an enthusiastic and staunch optimist...