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This template can be used to provide a link to Biografiskt lexikon för Finland's article on a given subject.



Unnamed parameters:


Named parameters:

{{BLF | URN=URN | title=TITLE | author=AUTHOR | year=YEAR }}


{{BLF | ID | title=TITLE | URN=URN | author=AUTHOR | year=YEAR }}
  • id: The id of the BLF article is given as the first unnamed parameter. The id can be left out, and it will then be fetched from Wikidata: Biografiskt Lexikon för Finland ID (P3595)
  • title: The link text will use the name of the page, or can be defined with title=.
  • author: The author can be defined with author=Last name, First name
  • year: year of publication. The original books were published between 2008 och 2011.
  • URN: The URN-code can be found at the end of the articles at blf.fi, leave out "URN:" in the beginning. If URN= is empty, it will be fetched from Wikidata Biografiskt Lexikon för Finland ID (urn.fi) (P10713)


For Linus Torvalds:

{{BLF|8594|Torvalds, Linus|author=Paakki
, Jukka|URN=NBN:fi:sls-5464-1416928958070}} will produce:

, Jukka. "Torvalds, Linus". Biografiskt lexikon för Finland (in Swedish). Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland. urn:NBN:fi:sls-5464-1416928958070.

The URN points at http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:sls-5464-1416928958070 which currently redirects to https://blf.fi/artikel.php?id=8594.

See also[edit]