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Draft:Afshin Mohammadi Bardbori

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Dr. Afshin Mohammadi-Bardbori is an Iranian scientist specializing in Genetic Toxicology. He earned his B.Sc. from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 1997, followed by an M.Sc. from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2006, and a Ph.D. from Karolinska Institutet of Sweden in 2013. Dr. Mohammadi-Bardbori has held academic positions at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, starting as a Research Assistant (2003-2008) and progressing to Assistant Professor (2013) and Associate Professor (2018). His teaching covers areas such as general toxicology, pharmacology, cellular and molecular toxicology, and human cell culture.

Notable awards include being the top student at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2004-2005) and receiving the First Rank of Young Researcher at both Tehran and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. He was honored with the First Rank of Student Basic Research in the 12th Razi Research Festival on Medical Sciences on Dec. 25, 2006. He also received a Graduate Scholarship from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (2009-2013) and the Third Rank of Carl C. Smith Graduate Student Awards in 2012 from SOT.

Dr. Mohammadi-Bardbori's research interests include Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling in biology and toxicology, redox regulation of transcription factors, as well as gut microbiota alteration and different types of cancer with focus on the role of a tryptophan metabolite, 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ). Dr. Mohammadi-Bardbori has been involved in various editorial roles for journals of Toxicology and Pharmacology. Additionally, he serves as the executive director for the Journal of Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences (TiPS).

Dr. Mohammadi-Bardbori has published extensively, with notable works including studies on 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ) and some studies to find out how AHR can become away from endogenous function by environmental pollutants and relevance of these processes in different type of illnesses such as autoimmune diseases and cancer.

You can find more about his publications on [PubMed](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=mohammadi+bardbori), [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=y-OwXywAAAAJ&hl=en), [Scopus](https://www.scopus.com/cto2/main.uri?ctoId=CTODS_1163409741&authors=15846303900&origin=AuthorNamesList), and [ResearchGate](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Afshin_Mohammadi_Bardbori).
